Saturday, June 12, 2010

Planning Post

Create a simple a to do list and then write the dates you decide upon on your blog.

Concepts Post

1. What makes for great use of technology in a school?

2. What technology is available in the school?

3. How do I access the technology in the school and online and use it to make better digital presentations?

4. Why is it important for me to learn new technology?

5. What technology do I already know how to use and how well do I know how to use it?

6. What technology do I want to learn how to use?

Photo Essay

Vlog - Technology in Education

Graphic Organizer

Assessment Spreadsheet

Which part of the chart you were assigned?
What did you learn?
Did you completed the project?

Tutorials Post

Why did you choose to share the tutorials you added?
What did you learn from the tutorials you watched/read?

Project Reflection

What did I do?

Where did I put the most energy in this project?

What did I do best?

Were any parts missing?

In what ways was I successful? Describe learning, awareness, personal growth, community growth. Advice for next terms students:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Evaluation Checklist

In groups evaluate your work and then hand in the evaluation checklist to your teacher.